Tridentis AMV is focused on developing the world’s most advanced autonomous and unmanned marine vehicles. We are driven to provide more effective, safer and cost effective marine systems for the global market.
AMV is experienced in a variety of prototyping efforts. From small-scale, table-top models to full-scale, working, proof-of-concept designs, Tridentis has the capability to rapidly move from ideas to hands-on hardware. We implement a prototyping plan based on the level of complexity, scale, and materials needed for each requirement.
Research and Development
Throughout our research and development efforts, we strive to solve the physics first and then bring the concept into reality. When approaching a research and development project, we push the envelope to solve the problem at hand, but apply practical requirements to ease the transition into a real-world acquisition.
AMV is adept at supporting construction and re-fit projects. Our engineers have vast experience in both new construction and overhaul environments. Producibility and reducing construction costs are primary focuses of every project.
Novel Concepts
AMV is well versed in the development of novel concepts. We look at novel concepts as the middle ground between science and engineering –craft, ships, and systems that are out of the ordinary, and require a unique perspective to develop and engineer. Even when developing novel concepts, our guiding principle is finding a solution that not only meets the requirements but can also be produced and brought to market. We recognize and plan for the fact that even novel concepts must eventually satisfy regulatory bodies like the USCG. Recognizing this reality throughout the process minimizes the amount of re-design later.
Autonomous Vehicles
AMV autonomous systems engineers work in teams to identify requirements and develop solutions to implement autonomous capabilities on marine systems. From the basic requirements through detail design, this arrangement allows the design to drive the autonomy, with the autonomy providing design feedback early to effect changes as necessary. The end result is symbiosis in the design between all engineering disciplines and a more efficient design process.

High-Speed Ship to Shore Connector
for the Office of Naval Research

Tridentis AMV successfully completed a Phase I SBIR for the Office of Naval Research, where we performed the concept design of a high-speed ship to shore connector. Specifically, Tridentis AMV designed a high-speed Surface Effect Ship (SES) to be used as a ship-to-shore connector, interface with US Navy Amphibious Assault Ships via the well deck, and carry military assault and logistics vehicles from over-the-horizon locations to the beach.

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Autonomous Marine Vehicle
for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

During the execution of this contract, Tridentis AMV performed a “clean sheet” design of an autonomous mobile surface coastal monitor that uses “green” power sources, has modular capability to allow for “plug and play” of new sensors and technology, and provides calibration/validation for NOAA and other optical satellite sensors. Tridentis AMV designed a highly efficient, stable platform that makes the use of “green” power for propulsion and systems power, making it attractive for unmanned surface vessel (USV) operations. This is significant, because green energy sources are typically not as energy dense as fossil fuels, which can hamper the design process.

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T-AKE Modifications
for the United States Marine Corps

Tridentis AMV provided support to the US Marine Corps (USMC) BIC Maritime Pre-Positioning Force (MPF), where we provided advanced engineering services for multiple feasibility studies to determine the ability to stow, deploy and retrieve Improved Navy Lighterage System (INLS) modules, the Amphibious Bulk Liquid Transfer System (ABLTS), MPF Utility Boat, and USMC MPF vehicles on a T-AKE class vessel. We provided Marine Engineering and Naval Architect services to determine the required ship modifications, weight estimate and cost estimates for each of these tasks. Additional work included performing a Ship Condition and Deficiency Surveys, Marine, Mechanical, and Naval Architecture Conceptual design, Structural Analysis, Time and Cost estimation, and Economic Analysis of Engineering and Operational Options.

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  • CNA Report Highlights ACM Port Capabilities
    The Autonomous Coastal Monitor™ (ACM™) was highlighted in a recent report published by the CNA Corporation and presented at the AUVSI Xponential conference in San Diego, validating the craft’s capability to support harbor security, pollution control, and disaster recovery missions. The report, produced by the nonprofit research organization CNA, summarized…
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